Monday, April 14, 2008

Let them walk.

My friend, Jeff, said this in his latest blog entry...

"But none of those I care about belong to me, and they will walk as they will walk."

Boy, ain't that the truth. He was talking about seeing some healing starting to happen in some of his friends. And I just thought that simple statement holds a WHOLE BIG BUCKET LOAD OF TRUTH. But to add to it, we must trust that God loves those we care about and is even more concerned with their welfare than those of us who love them best. For as much as we have their health and well-being in mind, God has so much more love for them than we do. And He has time, and grace, and patience... all those things we seem to lack when we see our loved ones hurting. I know that I want to see those that hurt around me to be whole and healed- but all I can do is pray. And love. And I do those to the best of my imperfect ability. And then I have to trust Him to do the rest, and trust that He can work in those I love- which I do. Afterall, He worked wonders in me. I was SUCH a mess. Wow. Yikes. Hallelujah. : ) If He can do it in Paul, and He can do it in me......

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