So I took a WHOLE DAY off- yep- last Monday- which we spent cleaning and purging closets. We took a Jeep load to Goodwill- preparing for the Jeep load of "stuff" coming from Iowa this week. My parents started driving from Iowa today..... yikes. They will be here on Thursday through next Tuesday. It will be nice to see them- I am actually looking forward to their visit.
So, of course, it's still insanely busy. It's summer! I've been working on little projects around the house (nothing like having company to help you get your crap together) and we've had a friend stay with us a couple of nights this week. She's in Big River and lives in Tacoma and is working at the summer camps at Taproot. It's too much $$ and lack of sleep to drive home after the performance, sleep and come right back. She will probably stay with us a couple of nights a week for the rest of the run, except for next week.
I've been working on a press shoot for the next mainstage show- that happens Tuesday... and I've been madly working on the Road Company- work will be crazy until Christmas this year.
I am getting excited to get going on Trunk-or-Treat at church... I need to get a team together and get going on that. It's going to eat a lot of time- but I am so looking forward to it. It'll be so much fun for the kids and their families. However, it will eat so much time that if we have a Christmas play at church this year- I will not be involved.
Marty had a show at the Bouncing Wall for the Queen Anne art walk on Thursday night. Lots of folks showed up- so that was fun. It seemed he sold a lot of prints- so that is AWESOME. He's a hit, my studly hubby.
And yesterday I threw a luncheon for the team of stitchers for Big River. They did a great job and deserved every bit of appreciation I could throw at them. After that, I went to dinner at a co-worker's home to meet a potential new production stage manager- it was fun. She was nice. Coming home, I was getting out of the car- and my friend said something to me- I turned back to answer her and smacked my head into the frame of her car- it's a very aerodynamic car and the frame is much lower than most vehicles I ride in. I totally smacked the crap out of my head, slamming my sunglasses into my face. It immediately swelled up- it hurt like heck and I could tell as I got ready for bed, I'd wake up with a shiner. Sure enough, it's a beaut. Once the swelling goes down, I think it'll look like REALLY DRAMATIC eye make-up. One strawberry marguerita and a little bit of poor depth perception combined with an aerodynamic car...ouch!
My head still hurts like heck. I don't think I gave myself a concussion- but I hit my head VERY hard. And my eye is VERY black.
I wear my sunglasses at night...and at the bank...and at the store...and to church.....
Today, I gave the car it's annual bath...a very good thing. I also did a few little odd chores and rested a bit. Tomorrow is church (Marty and his band are leading worship- yay!) and we're going to check out the last low, low tide of the year- more starfish. It's so very cool to go and look at them. Then the rest of this week will be filled with busy times at work and preparing at work and at home for the parental arrival.
That's all for now, it's more than enough.
1 comment:
You are as busy as ever--hang in there. And come up with a snappy excuse for the black eye. Last time I fell down and blackened and eye I just told everyone that it really brings out the green in my eyes. Or I said it was because of "rough sex" That shut 'em up!!
Miss you!
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