Tuesday, December 23, 2008

'Twas the week before Christmas...

...and it's a little crazy.

We got a call Friday morning from my surgeon requesting that we come in early. So we got up, showered, and off we went. It was a harrowing trip. I drove, since my husband is from Florida, and he freaks out a bit at crazy snowy roads... I talked with the lady at the surgeons and the main road to the hospital was closed so she told us to go up a different one, which wasn't actually an exit... We are not familiar with Capitol Hill, so we over shot where we should have got off and ended up south of downtown, driving through icky, icy streets back toward Capitol Hill. Miraculously, we made it...ON TIME. I couldn't believe it. My blood pressure was through the roof. So we checked in, I got the IV put in me. I HATE IV's, they freak me out like nobody's business. When I was twelve (the last time I had surgery) a doctor tried to put an IV in me- it took him NINE tries. It was a smidge traumatic to say the least. But I survived. I went into surgery around noon and was in for 3 hours. Marty got a little worried- they told us about an hour and a half to two hours- but apparently, I have "tough skin." Huh. And my gall bladder was positioned a little weird- but now...it's gone. It took me a bit to wake up- and I was pretty sick when I did (no gory details- but Marty was amazed) then they got me on my feet and kicked me out into the snow. One of the nurses gave us a less treacherous route home and the Florida boy did very well even though he was very nervous. We made it home- I was sick...again. And then settled in for a very uncomfortable night. The weekend was a lot of me lying around, feeling nauseous in a drug induced stupor. Poor Mickey couldn't understand why he couldn't lay on my tummy- I mean, I was RIGHT THERE. After a couple of calls to the nurses, they pulled me off the narcotics (I can't believe people take that stuff on PURPOSE, yikes) and as of yesterday- I think the anesthesia finally worked itself out of my system and now I feel a bit more normal. I might even try a baked yam...ooooh. See the excitement my life has been reduced to?

In addition to all that fun, we've had a major winter storm for Seattle. As of yesterday morning, there was about 10-11 inches on top of ice. Joy. Marty has made a couple of treks to the store and the library and out to take pictures. He is at work this morning- good thing- he was about climbing the walls yesterday. I, myself, am hoping we can get out of the house for the Christmas festivities we have planned or I will also be climbing the walls.

We are not sure when it happened, sometime between Saturday mid-day and Monday afternoon (when most of the snow was happening) someone tried to steal the jeep. Yep. Merry Christmas. Our parking space is in a well-lit spot on a main drag, but someone jimmied the lock and tried to boost it. They didn't succeed, but now we need to get it fixed. What a pain. Poor Marty- he has had to deal with ALL the crap this week. He's AWESOME. So that's all the news fit to print.

We're hoping to make it to the 5pm service tomorrow- although it's supposed to snow tonight- but I am off narcotics so...

We wish you and yours a VERY Merry Christmas full of the peace of God.


becca said...

Yikes. What a week!
I had the exact same reaction to the narcotics... Took 'em for about 4 days this time. And finally took myself off them because they messed me up so bad. I hated the swirly head and constant tummy weirdness.
And yes, it blows me away that people take them on purpose. They must feel really different than I do when I take 'em.
I'm sorry about the almost stolen car... Jake had that happen, except they took his tool box. His expensive tools were in it and he had it down somewhere in South Seattle for some reason... And now tools he'd been keeping since his teenage days are gone. Poof.
And they left the car about a block away. (It wasn't worth stealing, I think. He has a bad habit of buying cheap cars, and then keeping them running for as long as possible...)

B and B said...

i'm so glad your surgery went well. sounds like your post-op will be shorter than both becca's and mine.
love to you and yours