Yeah. Right. I wish!!! How is it, that when we want to make life simpler, things get more crazy? I know I am not the only one feeling this. It seems to be in every arena of my life at the moment.
At home, things are breaking right and left... What the heck? From little things, like small family heirloom knick-knacks that only matter the the CAR! And of course, we have some savings, but in these wibbly times with Christmas coming, we are trying to be prudent and wise....
In the nation...well, yikes. Of course, I can't help thinking that the disaster that is the economy is just reaping the greed, selfishness and arrogance that was sowed...however, it's not just the perpetrators that are reaping, but some of us along the way that tried to live smart. I keep hoping that our country will get an attitude adjustment and some perspective on what really matters and that mass consumerism is not the answer to happiness. And entitlement is not a given- ooooh, the arrogance and entitlement I see just chaps my fanny!!!
Then the election! UGH. It makes me crazy! I am getting hate mail from everyone down south about Obama, and getting hate mail from everyone up here about McCain. It is RIDICULOUS. I don't like EITHER ONE of them. I don't feel comfortable about someone who hasn't even served a full term in the senate thinking that qualifies him to run the country in one of the most difficult times in history (who knows, maybe he can) and I don't feel comfortable about someone who seems to be having some sort of belated mid-life crisis and is running amuck in his campaign- seemingly operating out of his emotions. And all the media bruhaha spreading lies and confusing things...come on. Really?
But in it all I choose to trust God. That He is working all things for good- in the economy (remember, He disciplines those he loves) and in politics...ok, I confess, I am having a harder time with that one....but I CHOOSE to trust Him anyhow.
And the I don't know what to think there. There's all this talk of "simple church" and change, and quite frankly, things seem to be getting more complicated and nothing actually seems to be changing. It's wearing me out a bit, and it's discouraging. There are some wonderful folks in our congregation, but it's as if everyone thinks someone else will volunteer or serve. Now, I know this is not a unique problem, but still... it's frustrating when you are trying to plan an event. And I've really been thinking a lot about accountability and integrity- which makes me not want to say too much here, because there are things that I am still working through and praying about. I just don't know. Perhaps it's just an issue of having different values than others.
I am also trying to get ready for Trunk-or-Treat and for the Christmas Bazaar at church- the goal- 80-100 ornaments- I've done 60. So, in addition to everything, I am madly trying to make things as well. I think I am on crack.
At work,'s CHRISTMAS. And 95% of the 3 touring shows and mainstage show needs to be done by November 17th! By the grace of God, we'll make it and I am sure it will all be fabulous, but holy cow. This constant breakneck pace....oy! Speaking of which, I have scads of laundry and ironing and mending to do today...I had best get to it. How I long for the simple life....
Hey Sarah,
Don't get too frustrated about the ToT. At Greg's party, i had no definite plan regarding setup and clean up. In fact, i just assumed i'd be doing it all myself. But wouldn't you know it, He sent some angels to help with both. It's hard when we're "in charge" of events. It's kind of an oxymoron really because we're never totally in charge because we can't control anything...except ourselves and not even that too well.
I appreciate all your work and i'm continuing to pray and ask God's blessing on the ToT.
Missed you guys at the arts meeting tonight! But like Delores said, people usually end up helping they just don't sign up. I know I'm guilty of that. BTW, we prayed for ToT and you both tonight (among others). Thanks for your hard work and diligence!
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