Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Imagine....a pondering of Advent and Incarnation.

Imagine, if you will…the love of a mother toward her newborn child. 

The awe as she gazes upon him.  The cuddles…kisses…tummy blowing….bathing…nappy changing….whispers of love and adoration. 

Delighted rejoicing when a milestone is reached- the first rolling over, sitting up, first steps…..


The love of a mother toward her child- there is nothing quite like it.
Remember, Mary was a mother.  His mother.

A mother who did all these things. 

A mother who loved Jesus, her child….God.

The Word made flesh.

The Creator of the Universes, giggling as his mom pretended to nibble his fingers and toes…

The Savior of the World, basking in the praises of first steps taken.

The Healer, playing peek-a-boo.

I ponder the intimacy of this mother and child’s relationship and can’t help but think how much God loved Mary.  How much He loved being loved by Mary.  To be so intimate- to be so adored, and cared for and known. To be the recipient of pure devotion and adoration.  Isn’t this all that God wants from us?  To be purely devoted and intimate with Him- to unconditionally love Him…for Him to be the Center.

That is my question.  How do we be still, how do we know?  Through the knowing will come the devotion and adoration.  How do we rejoice in every little thing?  How do we even tune in so that we don’t miss it?

How do we tune in so that we don’t miss HIM?

These are the things I ponder in this season of advent and incarnation- and in the season to come.
To abide, to listen, to love, to bask and rejoice in his presence.


Show me, O Bright Evening Star- guide me as I pray.

Selah and Amen.