Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Off to Christmas land!

Well, the parties are done. We are now the proud owners of an action figure Moses (living in the dollhouse) and a Herman Munster bobblehead (living in the studio) from the White Elephant from Saturday. Today, we had the TTC staff party at the Edgewater (eggs benedict, yum) and now we can add a FABULOUS mexican cow bank and a projector that blows images up on the wall to our haul. All in all, the white elephants have been good to us this year. I am quite fond of the cow bank. I think I will name her Pamela....big udders.....

This afternoon is a senior matinee and then we are out of here!!! I'll spend this afternoon doing a bit of cleaning (I hate coming home from vacation to a dirty house) and finish packing. Tomorrow morning we'll pack the boys and take them to the vet (pray for them!) and then we are off to Iowa! Miraculously, all the presents fit in my suitcase- and it's clocking in at only about 45lbs! And there is a little bit of extra space! WOW. It looks like we'll have a white Christmas after all, and we now have proper footwear, so we are set! Marty will make his debut, I think he's nervous, but he'll be fabu! They're all "just folks"- so it'll be fun. We'll hang with my friend Susan (WAHOO!!! HERE WE COME!) and with family and friends that might as well be family...and Marty will get to enjoy the family tradition of M&M Bingo at the family Christmas do...He's not a Christmasy kinda guy, it will probably be a bit of a shock to his system. But everyone is down to earth and the food is great so there you go. Bob's your uncle. Actually, he's my uncle, and there are two of them...and a cousin....we're not very original with family names. Since I won't have access to the internet while we're gone so MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Party, party, party.

Well, we survived Winterland. I have to say, for those of y'all who didn't see it- my husband was HOT as Mr. Granger- singing "Storm Comin'" in that white suit... yowza wow. I know he doesn't get it- all he can think about is the fat suit (since he lost all that weight) and thinking he looks like Colonel Sanders- but I tell you... we women know. There was so much authority with the white suit and the strength of the song and I tell you- my husband can SING! Grrrrrrrrr. I'm very proud.

Now we're in party grand central. It's just one holiday event after another until we leave for Iowa once week from today (Already? How the heck did that happen?) We had the cast party, we went to the show, tonight is the NWA party at our house, Saturday- a white elephant party, Sunday- our lifegroup celebration, Wednesday- the TTC party, 2 matinees and a partridge in a pear tree! Yikes. I have a wee bit more shopping to do, which I will finish this weekend. And then we are off! The midwest had a big ice storm, I am hoping it's all out of their system.

When we leave, we will board the boys at the vet. Max is still doing pretty well- I am a bit concerned to see how he handles being boarded- for those that pray- please pray for him. Mickey seems to have recovered pretty well from his kidney infection and is as fat and ornery and chatty and lovey as ever. The boys have taken to "worshipping" the space heater. There's a quilt on the floor one side and a box with a baby blanket on the other and both are usually occupied. I guess we have one more Christmas with them- even though we won't be here. We'll celebrate our family Christmas the night before we leave. So that's all the news that is fit to print. If I don't get to blog again, have a very merry Christmas, extend grace, love and enjoy your families and remember, Jesus is why.

Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Well, Max seems to be rallying. He is responding to his "baby food soup." It's nice to see him more alert and he's even played a little, he even came running for treats- which we haven't seen him do in months. But it is more work. What to do. What to do. I'm glad my baby feels better.

I am TIRED. We are halfway through performances of Winterland- it seems to be going pretty well, the audiences love it. I find myself a bit frustrated with it technically. Light cues aren't there....people start singing or talking and their microphones aren't on- which to me is VERY frustrating because the audience misses some important stuff. I guess my standards are too high. It's been fun- but it's been a lot of work on top of a lot of work at work, and some pretty stressful personal life stuff as well- so I'll be happy when it's finished.

Now I am just working on trying to get Christmas together- I have one more present for Marty I need to get, and a trip to Trader Joe's should finish my shopping. Then it's a matter of getting it all to Iowa. Stupid airline weight limits- my mom suggested an extra suitcase, I suggested self-control on her part. OY. We may have to ship some stuff back from Iowa. Well, I guess that's all folks....more later when we have a life again.